In this part we will be adding the resistors and capacitors to the display board. It’s a good way to warm up for the assembly ahead. You will need the display circuit board, and some of the 330 ohm resistors, as well as 2.0k ohm resistors and the 10uF capacitors.
Obtain the display circuit board and 5 of the 330 ohm resistors. Insert the resistors into R7, R8, R10, R11, R13. Gently bend the leads to secure them to the board. Flip the board over.
Ensure the resistors are flush with the board after flipping. Using your soldering iron, apply solder to the pads of the resistors.
Cut the leads of the resistors with diagonal cutters. Then, flip the board over.
Insert the two 2.0k ohm resistors into R9 and R12. The resistor at R9 will be ‘standing up’, unlike the other resistors. Then, flip the board over.
Ensure the resistors are flush with the board after flipping. Using your soldering iron, apply solder to the pads of the resistors.
Cut the leads of the resistors with diagonal cutters. Then, flip the board over.
Insert the two 10uF electrolytic capacitors into C1 and C2. The longer lead should go into the hole with the + indication near it. The lead that has the – indication on the capacitor casing goes in to the opposite hole.
Here are the two capacitors inserted. Gently bend the leads to help keep them in place. Now, flip the board.
Using your soldering iron, apply solder to the pads of the capacitors.
Cut the leads of the resistors with diagonal cutters. Then, flip the board over.
Here are all the components that we soldered in this part.
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