Here you can find all the 3D models to print, and see what it looks like when assembled. Not sure what piece you have? Check out the augmented reality view* to compare the piece side by side. *Coming soon, and requires an iOS device and tapping the ‘AR’ button
Hopper edge piece around the mount. Print laying flat with supports
Hopper edge piece around the mount. Print so the corner is on the build platform and with supports
Hopper edge piece around the mount. Print laying flat with supports
Hopper edge piece around the mount. Print so the corner is on the build platform and with supports
Hopper edge piece around the mount. Print laying flat with supports
Hopper edge piece around the mount. Print so the corner is on the build platform and with supports
Hopper edge piece around the mount. Print laying flat with supports
Hopper edge piece around the mount. Print so the corner is on the build platform and with supports
Hopper mount that holds the tray. Print with supports
Hopper mount that holds the tray. Print with supports
Hopper mount that holds the tray. Print with supports
Hopper tray that holds the garbage and slides in / out of the mount. Print with supports
Hopper tray that holds the garbage and slides in / out of the mount. Print with supports
Hopper tray that holds the garbage and slides in / out of the mount. Print with supports
Plate for pivot stand for the lid on the left side
Lid top, print with supports
Lid top, print with supports
Lid top, print with supports
Lid top, print with supports
Lid pivot mount (left). Print laying flat
Lid pivot mount (right). Print laying flat
Lid pivot washer where the binding post fits through. Remember to print 2, not just 1 this time!
Plate for pivot stand for the lid on the right side
Covers the servo from incoming sand. Print laying flat, you might need supports
Attaches the existing servo horn to the lid pieces, allowing the lid to be opened and closed by the servo. Print so the layers are parallel to the top flat face. Print on high resolution with supports
Servo mount for the lid servo. Print laying flat
End cover for the lid servo assembly. Print laying flat
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