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It was time to get going on working on getting connected with AWS IoT. This is going to be fun! We are going to connect Bowie’s brain to the cloud. We have done some things previously, such as connecting Bowie to MQTT. This works great, but in order to fully fulfil our vision of the robots working together in teams, we will need the data to be connected to many different services.

Starting can be intimidating especially if you aren’t familiar with AWS IoT. Here is the tutorial that we followed step by step. There were some errors to fix along the way but it makes sense once you start un-puzzling it. Going through this step by step was immensely helpful to understand. Big thanks to soumilshah1995 on YouTube for making that tutorial.

After many hours debugging and tinkering, we made it work. We are seeing data in the AWS cloud! A step closer to getting Bowie connected. Next tech log will make further progress on this.